A Landmark Year for Data in Latin America
As 2025 begins, Latin America has emerged as a crucial player in global data governance and artificial intelligence (AI) discussions. In 2024, two significant events underscored the region’s commitment to leveraging data for societal impact: the United Nations World Data Forum in Medellín, Colombia—the first of its kind in Latin America—and the America Abierta Open Data Regional Conference in Brasília, Brazil.
The World From The Blue Owl Perch: One Year On
This month marks the one-year anniversary of The Blue Owl Group, a global advisory firm founded by a group of senior advisors, all of whom are talented, battle-tested former members of the Twitter public policy and communications teams.
From PGP To ChatGPT: The 1990s are back, right?
Get a glimpse inside the encryption debate in DC that shares many of the hallmarks of today's conversation around AI. Tech policy debate doesn't repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes.
The AI Innovative Adoption Model in the MENA Region: A Policy & Business Perspective
The pivotal role of data and its classification is and will remain the cornerstone for any successful AI Innovative Adoption Model—both in the MENA Region and across the globe.
Five Themes to Track at #COP28
As COP28 negotiations off in earnest today, here are five key themes to look for over the course of the next two weeks.
Beyond the noise: AI, augmentation, and harnessing tech power for good
Emine details the six things regulators should be consider as the chart a regulatory path forward for Artificial Intelligence.
Shaping the Future of Journalism in Latin America: Beyond Tech Platform Funding
We deserve an honest, timely and inclusive policy debate around the role of journalism, the impact on our democratic institutions, and the promise and potential of plurality and diversity in the digital landscape.
Climate Change: An Emerging Consensus Issue
Climate change is becoming a rare consensus issue. Here from Blue Owl Group on why they believe it presents the greatest coordination opportunity in human history.
Squawk Box talks with Managing Director Colin Crowell on A.I. policy
A.I.-generated information could ‘undermine democracy,’ warns former Twitter exec.
Demystifying the Generative AI Boogeyman
AI is often presented as the boogeyman. But it’s applicability to Internet safety could be groundbreaking.
Twitter gutted its policy team. Some of the band is getting back together.
Over a dozen former executives who led Twitter’s public policy team on Wednesday are launching a new political advisorygroup, taking the practically unheard of step of reuniting en masse after the company, since-rebranded X, shed much of its ownshop under Elon Musk.